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BR Volleys Kalender

Team calendar and photobook
by Benjamin Patch

"Time is our friend and time has been generous to us. It seems we try to keep our stories trapped within twelve months. Because we are a product of that time we should not limit the gift?

This year I approached the project completely different— maybe because there seemed to be more time. Having a few weeks to plan the location, clothing and environment; everything seemed more intentional. I wanted or felt it was an opportunity to tell a personal story. Obviously with the decision to step away from actively playing with BR Volleys I couldn’t relate directly to the new players or team identity. That wouldn’t be honest to be up close with everyone and snapping photos of their face. This year the calendar and photo book is a journal entry of emotions, feelings I’ve experienced, players have experienced and I think many people will relate to. Moments of pain, joy, falling and transition.

For whatever reason BR Volleys attracts a different kind of athlete or athletes that are subconsciously looking for something else. The shooting experience was exactly what I hoped for in a way. I knew that some would be comfortable and the others(maybe those that never had me as a teammate) would feel hesitant to open up. As the day of shooting went on I saw the warmth and transformation that men coming together can have when they feel safe. There is more love in men than we often get to see. But these photos witness the closeness that comes from being part of a team and a subtle story of someone that has left one."

Benjamin Patch

All proceeds from the calendar sale will be donated to the Berliner Stadtmission, which cares for homeless and needy people in Berlin.

Calendar by Benjamin Patch
Price: € 35.00

For the second time, the BR Volleys team has posed for a calendar by Benjamin Patch. The annual calendar in A3 format can be purchased now by mail order and to take home at one of the next home games in Max-Schmeling-Halle.

Photobook by Benjamin Patch
Price: € 45.00

To give his teammates and models even more space, Benjamin Patch is launching another gem this season. He had such a hard time deciding between the possible calendar photos that a 52-page photo book was created in addition to the calendar. The photo book in A4 format with hardcover is currently in production, but is already available as a pre-folder.

Bundle by Benjamin Patch
Price: € 65.00

The 2023 annual calendar and the timeless photo book with 52 pages are also available in a bundle with a price advantage of 15 euros! Available immediately, the calendar can be purchased either by mail or to take home at a home game in the arena. In addition, there is a voucher for the photo book, which is currently in production and will be delivered in the new year at the latest.

International shipping is available worldwide. The promotional images shown are not necessarily the photos in the calendar.
The cover images are true to the original.